dilluns, 26 d’octubre del 2009

A day in my life.

This summer I practiced rowing every Tuesdays and Fridays. I have always participated in a competitions. I remember the Barcelona's day: the boat was perfect and my friends and me were ready. We catched the rows and the countdown was finished... Three, two, one, go! We started to rowing and rowing and more, and finally we finished the competition. We were exausted, but we didn't know... we won the race! When my friend Andrea and me knowed that, we stand up on the boat and scream a lot! I think all Barcelona saw Andrea and me. We were very happy because we won our first time a competition. I will remember this day with my friends forever.

dilluns, 19 d’octubre del 2009

My first mail

Hello, Sonia.
I'm Marta Rodríguez, a student of IES Castelló d'Empúries. I live in L'Armentera, a small village next to Sant Pere Pescador. My birthday is the 29th of september, and now I'm 15 years old. I think this course I will learn a lot of english more that I know now.
My experience of english is simple: I practice and learn english only in the class, because I don't have classes of english out of my high school. But the last year I had an idea. I invited my friend Shannon every thursday at night and we had to talk only in english. I think this year will do it again.
After 4rt ESO, I will live in Girona, and I will learn there. So, in the summer, I want travel to New York or to United Kingdom. But my really perfect dream is go to Australia and visit Uluru, Sydney, sweets koalas and kangaroos. I think the beaches of Adelaide and Brisbane can be the best place in the world.

See you,
Marta :)

dimarts, 6 d’octubre del 2009

One song

Oasis - Stand by me

Made a meal and threw it up on Sunday I've -
Gotta lot of things to learn
Said I would and I'll be leaving one day -
Before my heart starts to burn

So what's the matter with you?
Sing me something new... don't you know
The cold and wind and rain don't know
They only seem to come and go away

Times are hard when things have got no meaning
I've found a key upon the floor
Maybe you and I will not believe in the things we find
Behind the door

Stand by me - nobody knows the way it's gonna be
Stand by me - nobody knows the way it's gonna be
Stand by me - nobody knows the way it's gonna be

Oasis - Stand by me (català)

Vaig fer un menjar i el vaig llençar un diumenge, jo tinc
moltes coses per apendre
Vaig dir que ho faria i ho deixaré algun dia
Abans que el meu cor començi a cremar

Llavors, què et passa?
Canta'm alguna cosa nova... no saps
El fred i el vent i la pluja, no ho sé
Només sembla que vinguin i se'n vagin

Els temps són difícils quan les coses no tenen significat
He trobat una clau al terra
Potser tu i jo no creurem en les coses que trobem
Darrere la porta

Queda't per mi, ningú sap la forma en què serà.
Queda't per mi, ningú sap la forma en què serà.
Queda't per mi, ningú sap la forma en què serà.