divendres, 4 de desembre del 2009

dilluns, 30 de novembre del 2009

My birthday's party

This year my friends and I organized a very big party for my 15th birthday. My birthday is on 29th of September. The party was in Planeta Magic! Yes, it's true! This local is located in Figueres, and is especially for children who want to jump and sing and go to the pool balls. But we rented the local at night three hours, and Planeta Magic was only for my friends and me! This party was really brilliant, great and different. We started jumping and singing songs of Disney on karaoke, and after we ate our sandwiches and the cake! It may seem infantile, but really if you are with your friends this can be very very funny.
This year I wanted celebrate my birthday in a form really special, because the next year I will live in Girona, so we could say goodbye very well. Sometimes there were moments really sad, but we could put the felicity for this day above the sadness. I wanted celebrate it in a form really special, and we got it!
Look at this photos:Here I was sitting in a big chair with a crown. Look at the tables, and the colours, and the food! It's for children!Sometimes there were moments really sad, but the felicity won!

Thank you guys :)

Best wishes,
Marta :D

diumenge, 29 de novembre del 2009

One piece of my life...

In the high school time, I have routine days. Basicly I get up at quarter to seven, I go to the school with bus, then learn and write, I return to home with the bus too, I do the homework, to be in the computer or play my guitar, I have dinner and sleep.
If I say this in this form, it seems a little sad... But I don't forget the other things: with my friends, all is great. On weekends we go to parties and we have perfect days. This way I can break the routine. And I have more things which I can't forget: my family. I live with my mother, my sister and my dog Piga in l'Armentera, and I live with my father all wednesdays and two weekends per month. I go to different places with them, or stay at home calm.

Since I'm talking about my family, I want to talk about my sister Núria. She is the most important person of my life. Together we have past a lot of things (the bad things and the good things of our lifes) and we have supporting each other. I must also say sometimes we are angry and discuss, but as time passes we dispute less (I guess because she is growing). She's five years younger than me, and I think if Nuria will see what I'm writing about she, she doesn't will understand nothing! Ha ha!
People says she seems a lot of me, but I think we are really different (more different psychologically than phisically, yes).
Look at this pictures:I love this picture. It's powerful, and for me symbolizes the power of friendship and brotherhoodLook, my sister is so sweet! In this picture we are in Milan, turning around a bull with our foot for have good luck. Do you think we are seem?

dilluns, 23 de novembre del 2009

Horror Story

One wall in our world

I want to explain about this fantastic wall: The Nördlingen Wall. This wall is in a small village, in Germany. The wall was built in the Medieval Era, because in this time a meteorite fell here! And the people built the village and the wall around the crater. Every year the people celebrate a big party called "Party of the wall" (Stadtmauerfest), in honor at the wall.
I know this things and more about Nördlingen because I was been here! I went to this village with my friend Lydia last summer. These holidays were perfect! I remember Nördlingen and his wall, because it have a lot of magic.

diumenge, 22 de novembre del 2009

Project: Walls in our world

1. When was the wall built?

2. Why was the wall built?
3. How long was the wall? (Find a map)
4. What do we celebrate on the 8th November 2009?
5. What is the present situation of this wall?
6. Can you think of another wall that separates people, Physically or mentally?
Justify your answer with information, news, pictures, videos etc

The Berlin Wall was built on 13th August, in 1961. This wall was separating the Federal German Republic of the RDA until 9th November, and it represent a symbol of Cold War and the separation of Germany. The lenght of the Berlin had 120 km, here there is a map of The Berlin Wall:
In the night of 9th November of 1989, the Berlin Wall was demolished by the people because they wanted do a manifestation. Since this day, Germany celebrate this independent day.
Today, is pull down and beautiful, because there are paints and draws.
The wall of lamentation is the place more important of Judaism.

I took this information from:


3 Positive Experiences:
Experience: I have been for one day in Milan.
Lesson: Milan have the biggest catedral in Europe, and it have a lot of years of history.

Experience: I have been in Warner Bross and Disneyland Paris.
Lesson: The atractions are very funny!

Experience: I have been first in a rowing competition.
Lesson: The victory is very important, and it is hard to achieve. But what is really important is to participate.

1 Negative Experience:
Experience: I have lost a friend
Lesson: The distance is dangerous, if you do not realize, you can forget the friendship.

My friends:
-Sandra has been in Dublín
-Luciano has seen AC/DC

-Fei Fan has been in China

My poem

Listen to the river as it sounds
sounds that seems to you
Listen to the sea as sing
songs that talk about you
You know the things that you miss?

Listen to the melody of the trees
dancing to the rhythm of your movements
Listen the laughter of the sky
watching you from the distance
You know the things that you miss?

You do not realize,
but everything happens around you
Perhaps this is not true,
but this is what I think

Marta Rodríguez

A document of National Geographic

Look at this! I think this article is very interesting:

The discovery could offer clues in the search for life on Mars and beyond, researchers said in October at a meeting of the Geological Society of America.

"We're finding that you need to look at things you might write off as not being biological—they might be biological," said Penelope Boston, a cave scientist at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology in Socorro.

The microbes were found on the walls of lava tubes in Hawaii, New Mexico, and the Portuguese Azores islands, a volcanic archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean.

The finds include "a lovely blue-green ooze dripping out of the [cave] ceiling in Hawaii; a vein of what looks like a gold, crunchy mineral in New Mexico; and, in the Azores, amazing pink hexagons," said Diana Northup, a geomicrobiologist at the University of New Mexico.

"That's the waste—the bug poop, if you will."

Bright orange blotches coat the lava-rock walls of Gruta do Carvão in São Miguel, one of the Portuguese Azores islands, in an undated picture.
The ooze is among several examples of colorful mineral deposits that are actually mats of waste excreted by microbes living on cave walls, researchers said in October 2009.

My friends

I have decided write about my friends because I think they are a part very important of my life.
They are Laura, the friend I've had since I was born. She lives in l'Armentera, like me, and we spent a lot of time together. Also my friend Sandra, she sits next to me since last year, and thanks to this we have know a lot about us. I laugh a lot with her. Andrea and Lydia are my best friends too, each has got own style and we explain all the things with us. Many times we meet together for go to parties or in our houses. I have friends really specials for me, like Maria, Cristina, Mireia, Núria, Elvira, Júlia... and more that I don't have time for appoint. I just want to tell I love they very much, and thanks for all they do for me. They're great!

Best wishes,

dilluns, 2 de novembre del 2009

My favourite books

I like to read books of fantasy and mystery. My favourite books are:

-"La Emperatriz de los Etéreos", from Laura Gallego. This book explain a story of a girl bored of her life. She live in a small village, in the North pole. She don't believe in the legends of her people, but she will have to go out, for search her best friend: Aer. This brilliant adventure is of friendship, love and, evidently, of magic.

-"Ulysses Moore", from Pierdomenico Baccalario. This is a perfect set of five books (but the story continues). Is a story of three boys who found different keys. This keys open different doors, and these doors go to different epochs and places of the world. I think is one of the best stories, having a lot of adventures and questions.

-"Memorias de Idhún", from Laura Gallego. This important trilogy explains the life of Jack, Victoria and Christian, residents of Idhún. The most important thing for me is: Jack loves Victoria, and Victoria loves Jack. But Christian loves Victoria, and Victoria loves Christian too. They will live with this "problem", together, and fight with the enemies of Idhún.

-"Precisament Així", from Rudyard Kipling. This amazing book is a compilation of a lot of children's stories, from India. The first publication of this book was in 1902, and my mother was reading me all the pages of this book. For me, this book of answers of the life, is a big treasure.

dilluns, 26 d’octubre del 2009

A day in my life.

This summer I practiced rowing every Tuesdays and Fridays. I have always participated in a competitions. I remember the Barcelona's day: the boat was perfect and my friends and me were ready. We catched the rows and the countdown was finished... Three, two, one, go! We started to rowing and rowing and more, and finally we finished the competition. We were exausted, but we didn't know... we won the race! When my friend Andrea and me knowed that, we stand up on the boat and scream a lot! I think all Barcelona saw Andrea and me. We were very happy because we won our first time a competition. I will remember this day with my friends forever.

dilluns, 19 d’octubre del 2009

My first mail

Hello, Sonia.
I'm Marta Rodríguez, a student of IES Castelló d'Empúries. I live in L'Armentera, a small village next to Sant Pere Pescador. My birthday is the 29th of september, and now I'm 15 years old. I think this course I will learn a lot of english more that I know now.
My experience of english is simple: I practice and learn english only in the class, because I don't have classes of english out of my high school. But the last year I had an idea. I invited my friend Shannon every thursday at night and we had to talk only in english. I think this year will do it again.
After 4rt ESO, I will live in Girona, and I will learn there. So, in the summer, I want travel to New York or to United Kingdom. But my really perfect dream is go to Australia and visit Uluru, Sydney, sweets koalas and kangaroos. I think the beaches of Adelaide and Brisbane can be the best place in the world.

See you,
Marta :)

dimarts, 6 d’octubre del 2009

One song

Oasis - Stand by me

Made a meal and threw it up on Sunday I've -
Gotta lot of things to learn
Said I would and I'll be leaving one day -
Before my heart starts to burn

So what's the matter with you?
Sing me something new... don't you know
The cold and wind and rain don't know
They only seem to come and go away

Times are hard when things have got no meaning
I've found a key upon the floor
Maybe you and I will not believe in the things we find
Behind the door

Stand by me - nobody knows the way it's gonna be
Stand by me - nobody knows the way it's gonna be
Stand by me - nobody knows the way it's gonna be

Oasis - Stand by me (català)

Vaig fer un menjar i el vaig llençar un diumenge, jo tinc
moltes coses per apendre
Vaig dir que ho faria i ho deixaré algun dia
Abans que el meu cor començi a cremar

Llavors, què et passa?
Canta'm alguna cosa nova... no saps
El fred i el vent i la pluja, no ho sé
Només sembla que vinguin i se'n vagin

Els temps són difícils quan les coses no tenen significat
He trobat una clau al terra
Potser tu i jo no creurem en les coses que trobem
Darrere la porta

Queda't per mi, ningú sap la forma en què serà.
Queda't per mi, ningú sap la forma en què serà.
Queda't per mi, ningú sap la forma en què serà.

dimarts, 22 de setembre del 2009

Me in pictures


I chose the swan because I think it's a beautiful animal, and I really like it. I identify with him because it's very calm and seems sincere.
I want to fly like him and live in the water ...