diumenge, 22 de novembre del 2009

Project: Walls in our world

1. When was the wall built?

2. Why was the wall built?
3. How long was the wall? (Find a map)
4. What do we celebrate on the 8th November 2009?
5. What is the present situation of this wall?
6. Can you think of another wall that separates people, Physically or mentally?
Justify your answer with information, news, pictures, videos etc

The Berlin Wall was built on 13th August, in 1961. This wall was separating the Federal German Republic of the RDA until 9th November, and it represent a symbol of Cold War and the separation of Germany. The lenght of the Berlin had 120 km, here there is a map of The Berlin Wall:
In the night of 9th November of 1989, the Berlin Wall was demolished by the people because they wanted do a manifestation. Since this day, Germany celebrate this independent day.
Today, is pull down and beautiful, because there are paints and draws.
The wall of lamentation is the place more important of Judaism.

I took this information from:

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