I agree with these results because I love music and I know the language. And I'm an interpersonal person, this surprise me! :)
divendres, 11 de juny del 2010
Multiple Intelligences
I agree with these results because I love music and I know the language. And I'm an interpersonal person, this surprise me! :)
dimecres, 26 de maig del 2010
Phineas and Ferb
The history starts with two little stepbrothers, Phineas Flynn and Ferb Fletcher, who are on summer vacation in their town Danville. Each day they make machines or inventions because they're bored and they are very intelligents. They have a sister, Candace, who is in love with Jeremie. Also they have a pet, Perry the Platypus, who in truth is a secret agent! This is my favourite character.
The series follows a standard system: Phineas and Ferb decide what they can do this day, then Perry the Platypus disappears because he has a mission (fight with Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz) and Candace wants to be with Jeremie. Sometimes the Boyscout girls helps Phineas and Ferb with their inventions. Every episode follows with a song and the victory of Perry the Platypus. Candace always wants that his mother see the new creation of his brothers, but she NEVER achieve that his mother catch them. And this is the typical episode of this nice TV serie!
Phineas and Ferb, one of my favourite cartoons!
Perry the Platypus, my favourite character.
Perry the Platypus, also known as Agent P or simply just Perry, is a blue platypus who has to fight with Dr. Heinz Doofenshmir. He doesn't speak, but he's very nice and funny.
Perry is the pet platypus for the Flynn-Fletcher family, and this family don't know who is Perry in truth. He lives a double life as a member of an animal espionage organization, The O.W.C.A. ("Organization Without a Cool Acronym").
I think this platypus is a very important part of these cartoons. And for me, the best character!!
"Oh, there you are, Perry!"
Marta :)
divendres, 21 de maig del 2010
Yes, it's true. I want to travel to Australia, and if I can, live there.
Last year I had to do a project about one country. I chose Australia for casualty, and since the first day of this search, I loved Australia. Not for his history, because for me is really sad (the aborigines and the colonizers). But yes for his beaches, animals, vegetation and people.

These are Pau and his friend! :)
My perfect dream is travel to Australia and visit these MAGIC places:
Minnie Water: is a very small town next to the sea. It's very peaceful... ~ This is in NEW SOUTH WALES :D
Surfers Paradise: here you can find fusion of city and beach lifestyles. It's powerful...~ This is in QUEENSLAND :D
And some places next to this fantastic beach more...
If I could travel there... I would be very very very very HAPPY!
Marta :)
I did four songs:
-Maquíllate (Mecano) -When I grow up (Pussycat Dolls)
-Wannabe (Spice Girls) -Eva María (Formula V)
And, obviously, the two final songs: No estamos locos (Ketama) and We are golden (Mika).
This last song, in my opinion was the best moment because we dance all the students and the teachers together.
We have practice since the beginning of the course. And thanks to this stress, we could do a very nice show :)
But now, we are a little bit sadness because it's the end of this really good moments in the practice or in the scene.
So we have to forget the sadness and focus to the Grease musical!
Look at these nice photos:

->Maquíllate (Mecano)

->When I grow up (Pussycat Dolls)
Wannabe (Spice Girls)

Eva María (Formula V)


dimarts, 18 de maig del 2010
-Could we ask you some questions, please?
-Yes, please :)
-Ok, where are you from?
-Are you on holidays here?
-Are you having a good time?
-Yes. Hahaha! So far!
-Why did you choose Catalonia for your holidays?
-So, reasons... Nice culture, nice weather, pictures great (Dalí's pictures)...
-Where are you staying?
-We are in a camping bus, so we came to... next to the beach.
-Are you with a group?
-How long are you staying in Catalonia or Spain?
-Mmmh... for 10 days.
-Do you speak Spanish or Catalan?
-No. Hahaha!
(Here a shit bird fell next to us.)
-Oh! Hahaha! It's dangerous!
-Do you think people here speak good English?
-No, I did so far. I've just two or three contacts, but Ok... hahaha!
-Have you visited other places in Catalonia or Spain?
-Mmmh... we will do, yes. But we just arrive yesterday.
-Ok. Do you like Catalan or Spanish food?
-Yes! Hahaha!
-Have you bought any souvenirs?
-So far no, haha.
-Are Catalans or Spanish friendly in your opinion?
-Yes, hehehe!
-And would you like to come back again?
-Ok, thank you very much for your atention.
-We are doing a project for High School. Could we ask you some questions, please?
-Oh yeah, sure!
-Ok, thanks. Where are you from?
-(Man) Toronto. (Woman) Canada.
-Are you on holidays here?
-Yes. Oh yes!
-Are you having a good time?
-Yes! Excellent! Haha!
-Why did you choose Catalonia for your holidays?
-(Man) Ah... We are actually in south of French, so we can here in a tour for today and we have been in here before and then we go to come back.
-Where are you staying?
-(Woman) In French, here "Parabagan"... Do you know "Parabagan"? Next to the sea... (Man) So you have to look at a French map! Hahaha!
-Are you with a group?
-How many people are you with?
-How long are you staying in Catalonia or Spain?
-(Man) Just one day. (Woman) Now, but then we will be back for two nights near Andorra.
-And do you speak Spanish or Catalan?
-(Man) Ah... "Un poquito"... "Cervesa frío". Haha!
-Do you think people here speak good English?
-You do!
-Thank you!
-And you too? (to Sandra)
-"Yo gravo" Hahaha!
-You speak good English.
-Have you visited other places in Catalonia or Spain?
-(Man)Yes. Barcelona, we loved Barcelona. And we did Spain from Madrid, right around Valencia, Toledo, come back to Madrid... (Woman) Yes, it was a good trip.
-Wich place did you like best?
-Barcelona and Toledo.
-And wich didn't you like so much?
-Mmh... I don't know. We liked all.
-Ok. What do you think of the Dalí Museum?
-(Woman) We liked that. We were here in 2006, we spent a lot of time, so.. (Man) Excellent, excellent, excellent. (Woman) We really liked it.
-Ok. Do you like Catalan or Spanish food?
-Yes, we do!
-Have you bought any souvenirs?
-Yes, we did.
-Are Catalans or Spanish friendly in your opinion?
-Yes, sure.
-And would you like to come back again?
-Yes! We'll come back again! We'll come back to Barcelona again.
-Ok, thank you very much for your time, and can we take a photo with you for our project?
-Oh yes! Hahaha!
INTERVIEW 3 (Summary)
They are from Germany. They are on holidays and they are having a good time here. They chose Catalonia because his parents love this place. They are staying in Roses. They aren't with a group. They staying in Catalonia just for a week. They aren't speak Spanish or Catalan. They only visit Barcelona, because they in this moment came. They think that the best place of Catalonia is the beach and they didn't like the temperature. They still not go to Dalí Museum. The catalan food are good according to them. They don't buy any souvenirs. They think that the catalan people are friendly. They say: "we come back again, of course!"And finally, we take at they a photo, only one problem, we don't be there!
divendres, 14 de maig del 2010
M ~ S
We are Sandra and Marta, and we want to talk about our first day as a classmates, in 3th C.
Sandra before of 3th, was in an other class with a diferent people. But when she arrived at 3th C, she didn't know anybody (only Guillermo). So she sat next to Guillermo, and Marta, like the other years, next to Laura.
Reme, our tutor, decided change us because a week later we talked a lot. So Sandra sat next to me, and Laura next to Guillermo. From that moment, our lifes changed forever!
First, our relation was timid and we couldn't speak too much because we had shame. But some time later, our friendship was better... to the point that we couldn't stop to talk.
Thanks to this change, now we are very close friends and we know all the things about the other.
We have lived many things together, like the parties in Castelló, the summer days on the beach, the Sikim (a PUB) nights, or the day to day in class.
And now, we are thinking... If Reme didn't change our site when we was in 3th C, maybe our relationship be very different!
(Have we had lucky?)

We go together, like ramma lama lama, ca digi di dong di dong!!
Remeber forever, like shubap shauada uada uipi di bum di bum!!
Change, change, chanchy chang shubap
Marta and Sandra :D
dimecres, 21 d’abril del 2010
dimecres, 7 d’abril del 2010
The best photo of Italy for me

So I love this picture for all that it symbolizes for me.
dimarts, 16 de març del 2010
I want that saturday night arrives now! I will go to a concert in Castelló, and after that... The Italy's travel! We will go with a plane and will return with a boat.
We'll visit Florence, Siena, Rome, Montecatini and Pisa. We'll see a lot of important places, but what I really want to see is the Vatican, in Rome. I think it will be brilliant!
These are my expectations!

Marta :D
divendres, 5 de març del 2010
Book VS Film
To make the new version, basic elements have been changed. For example, swords for guns.
Pixar short films
I love Pixar and the works that makes. Since I was three years old I watch all his movies (like Toy Story, for example). Especially I like his short films, because in only 5 minutes more or less, Pixar can explain a nice story.
I have seen a lot of Pixar short films, but my favourite is the next video:
This video leaves me without words. It's happy, but at the same time is really sad. I like the way it is make. I like the Geri's character because is nice, he have optimism, and I think he's happy with the things which has got.
This video gives me melancholy, and I don't know why...
Marta :)
dimecres, 3 de març del 2010
One Song
If I had a way to get out of this day / Si tingués una manera de sortir d'aquest dia
If I had a way I'd get out today / Si tingués una manera de poder sortir avui
Man, I would run away, man, I would run / Home, me n'aniria lluny, home, me n'aniria
'Cause these walls block out the sun / Perquè aquestes parets tapen el sol
Yeah they block out the sun / Sí, elles tapen el sol.
Today I've got nothing to lose / Avui no tinc res a perdre
I could go wherever I wanted to / Podria anar on vulgués
Leave, jump onto the world / Marxar, saltar al món
If I had a way to get out of this deal / Si tingués una manera de sortir d'aquest acord
If I had a way I'd break the deal / Si tingués una manera de poder trencar l'acord
I'm gonna grab the wheel, and man, I will drive / Agafaria la roda, i home, conduiria
5000 miles just to survive, 5000 miles / 5000 milles només per sobreviure, 5000 milles
Today I've got nothing to lose / Avui no tinc res a perdre
I could go wherever I wanted to / Podria anar on vulgués
Leave, jump onto the world / Marxar, saltar al món
As it's spinning 'round, going down / Com està girant al voltant, baixant
Taking me along for the ride / Portant-me endavant pel viatge
For the ride / Pel viatge
If I had a way I'd get out today / Si tingués una manera de sortir d'aquest dia
Man, I would run away / Home, me n'aniria lluny
dimarts, 2 de març del 2010
More about me!
I think to talk about my routine can be a little bored for me... But when I see the pictures I do in the high school, the routine become a good game.
Sometimes I take away my movile phone and I make some photos with my friends.
By the way, look at my movile phone:

It's equipped with the functions similar to those of a digital camera 5 megapixels, I can enjoy the most of his view. Thanks to the great image which capture I can see my images more clear at a speed of 120 frames per second... Viewty LG!(stop publicity! Ha ha!)
Well, what I was saying is that leaving aside the homework, work and examinations, our high school can be good, and it can have nice experiences in our lifes!
Look at this video, I think it describes what I want to say:
Good luck,
Marta :)
The Grease Musical

Our musical is a set of dialogues in catalan and songs in english. We'll have to dance a lot! Danny, the protagonist, is played by Oriol. Sandy is Clara. And they, with the Pink Ladies (who are Maria, Mireia, Cristina and me) and with the boys, will interpret this magic play.
But sing songs from Grease is very difficult, besides dancing at once. We still need to try learn the lyrics much more for get a good result. Is really funny dance with all my friends this type of music. Sometimes I stay in the breakfast time in the music class for assay the dance steps and the lyrics.
Last term we made a sung for Christmas, which went very well. I hope this musical, which will be made at the final of the course, go well or better than the spectacle of Christmas. But we still have to choose the costumes, we have to organize better and learn the dialogues.
Marta :)
dilluns, 1 de març del 2010
My dog: Piga
Let's talk about her name. Her name is Piga, freckle in english, because she has a white spot in her neck. My parents bought Piga in a Pet Shop when I had 3 years old, so I had Piga most of my life.
In Easter, Piga comes every year with my family and me in Queralbs, a little town in the mountain. I think these days are the most happy days for Piga. She seems a deer in the forest!
She is very friendly and nice. Now she has gray hair in his face, like an old person! And she don't barks, not fight and she is very obedient. The only drawback is that she is a dog, so she can't speaks! Ha ha!
My guitar :)
I love play the guitar, and specially the electric guitar. When I have money, I'll buy one of them!
But now I'm satisfied with my sweet little guitar. This is it:
See you!
PD: Luciano gave me a PICK! :D
dimecres, 24 de febrer del 2010
Look at this photos! They are some places that we visited:
This is in Piazza di San Marco. This place is WONDERFUL!!
The second day, while we were visiting the Piazza di San Marco, one old man approached to us and gave four tickets for travel free to Murano, the crystal island. Surprised, we take the tickets and went there! We saw the glass factory, the workers molding the glass, and a lot of different shapes and colors of glass. What a nice experience!

This is the glass factory of Murano. We have been there!
The last day, we went to Burano, a wonderful island which his houses are painted with different colors! I ate there the best lasagne of the world, I think! :D
Look at the houses, they are incredible:
After that, we returned to Venice, and we took a gondola. It was very funny!
So, when we returned to Spain, I thought these holidays were perfect. And I was right!
dilluns, 22 de febrer del 2010
Come on, I will explain more or less my greats Carnivals with my friends.
Our costumes were of Little Red Riding Hood. These costumers had a red hood very funny. The party consisted in to follow a route for the town with the floats and music, and get to the dance room.
Here are three cool photos:

Here I was with my lovely friend Lydia

Marta :)
Why is Shakespeare so famous?

The Elisabethan era was described as golden because it was the period of the start of the english poetry, theatre, literature and music.
Shakespeare wrote 38 plays and 6 poems. One comedy: A Midsummer Night's Dream (Somni d'una nit d'estiu in Catalan). One tragedy: King Lear (El Rei Lear in Catalan). One poem: The Passionate Pilgrim (L'apassionat peregrí in Catalan).
The Globe was Shakespeare's theatre. His location is in London.

It's here:
In the Globe are performed the play Kings & Rogues (23th April - 3th October 2010). The first built of the Globe was in 1598. Shakespeare worked there since 1599 to 1613.
The name of this theatre company was Lord Chamberlain's Men. In 1644, the thatre was closed, but Peter Street, a Master Carpenter of the City of London, built the Globe again in 1997.
4. Fame
There is a one phrase very important in play Hamlet: "To be or not to be. That is the question". this is a known phrase.
Another famous word invented by Shakespeare:
- A rose can have any name. It always smells sweet.
(Una rosa puede tener todos los nombres. Ésta siempre huele dulce.)
- If you don't remember the most light madness in which the love made you fall down, you have not loved.
(Si no recuerdas la más ligera locura en que el amor te hizo caer, no has amado.)
- This is better to be a king of your silence that slave of your words.
(Es mejor ser rey de tu silencio que esclavo de tus palabras.)
5. Curiosities
Curiously Shakespeare tape-worm a nick, they were calling him a Bard of Avon.
Approximately 2000 movies of Shakespeare have been adapted.
Marta Rodríguez and Sandra Martínez